Looking at the title, it may seem a little bombastic, or it may be just what it looks another nauseating self indulgent quotation springing forth from the font of positivity but considering its been a year since the last post, an explanation is the least i can offer for such a lapse in contact.
Now as a family we acknowledge this period of the year as mid year or the beginning of the 3rd Quarter, and celebrate our new year alongside Matariki (Maori New Year-June), which is a month long celebration. This is a period of time that seems more natural to harvest in the 4th Quarter so tie up loose ends, enjoy accomplishments for the year but most importantly to gather, share the bountiful harvest, of community, old stories, old ways, to be immortalized for the year.
So as you can see, this isnt a new years resurgence of energy, a glimpse of enlightenment, or mid life catharsis, catapulting my aspirations of authorship back to the forefront of my mind, maybe it is in some way to compensate for my prolonged absence. Let me think a second, na Far from it, I am sick guy, an ordinary guy who like many people around the world,who live a slow and somewhat isolated and at times a very awkward existence, but under that simple public phasad, resides a family who i can honestly attest to has experienced the best year on record but personally, I would endure physical deterioration, separation from my family for supervised home care, as i was deemed incapable to care for myself , diagnosed with Leukemia (blood cancer) and with wonderful turn in events neurologists discovered a cyst running the entire length of spinal cord jammed in there together, while the Hematologists had me on a MRI to see if the cancer had spread to the brain. Luckily for me it didn't spread but a lesion on my liver was discovered to make sure i wasn't feeling left out. So this became the game plan, cure cancer then cure MND. No Problem, It just took away my access to the internet and ability to concoct my self indulgent views, and to be honest it was too sensitive to share, until now.
But at this particular juncture for me it has been a time of quiet reflection and of sincere gratitude for the gift of living afforded me, which in my eyes is very different to the gift of life which offers all realms of possibility but my gift is to continue my life. I am living my life simply but fully, laughing, creating, loving til it seems my heart will burst, and crying too, tears of humility and empathy for my fellow souls in turmoil because I know that feeling all too well. I am living a life blessed .
Time Anxiety and NeuroDiversion: a 2025 Preview
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