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But I'm not the only one"

LazKane a.k.a "That Tongan"

Friday, August 28, 2009

The Law of Quality Control

Firstly, Apologies for the lack of posts this week,  It hasn't been out of laziness or forgetfulness but from identifying priorities.  I have travelled to be with my family who have been taking care of my mum-in-law following surgery.  It has been two weeks since we've been together so it is a welcome and much anticipated reunion.
Now, in such situations, mortality tends to crystallise the priorities in one's life and in my case reinforces my resolve to pursue what i hold most important.  Since reuniting, my awesome wife and I have been talking at length about what exactly it is we will be pursuing for the remainder of this year.  And we've decided on on the face of it, may seem quite radical but to us, seems to be the natural progression.
The rest of the year will lay out approximately like this, we will help our mum recuperate for the next few weeks then return home, where we will proceed to take inventory of all our possesions and put some of them up for auction online and the rest will be donated to anyone who might find them useful.We've given ourselves 6-8 weeks to do this and tie up all loose ends.
Once we've done this, off we go to visit our parents, so our kids can see them before we hit the road for about 4-6 weeks to visit with many relatives my wife & I haven't seen for many years or maybe just briefly because of a death.  We believe that telling the ones you love that you love them, is of utmost importance & deserves priority since we also have plans for travel overseas & would not want to leave these sentiments unsaid.This is also a great opportunity to present our children(our greatest accomplishment) to these most cherished people.
So, I guess we're at about the first week of December, we will be heading back to our parents to share the Christmas vibe for 7-10 days before going to where my wife comes from.  This is a tradition we have been trying to establish, where we head back to our family Marae(Meeting House/Family Homestead) for Christmas and New Years.  The Marae is situated near the coast and we will be living off the land & sea for about 4- 6 weeks.
O.K. this is rough outline of how the remainder of the year will happen. I get more excited, just typing this out because it is something that has been brewing for many months & now is just about within grasp.  Now, the law of quality control has been helping us out so much and keeping us motivated. We've seen Quality Control as focusing on incremental daily improvements to our lifestyle, routine, relationship etc. This has given us freedom to dream big but stay pragmatic & not overestimate what we can achieve daily but concentrate on making small but key adjustments to improve our daily life and then over time, the improvements spike & we have a great leap in progress.
So, as this applies to this blog, I have decided to post twice a week, so my posts can be of greater quality & probably more important, allow things to happen. I will try Mondays & Thursdays to begin with, and adjust accordingly.  Until next time,Laz

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