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LazKane a.k.a "That Tongan"

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Have to Start Somewhere

As the title suggests, if you are going to make up your mind about doing or achieving anything, you have to start somewhere, and a lot of the time, it's not at the beginning but rather anywhere you can. I guess that applies to me. Life favors the brave & all to many times my lack of courage has left me sacrificing what i have wanted most, for reasons or motives in retrospect are at best, trivial, and at worst, plainly irrelevant.
So here i am, mustering what courage and strength i can rally, to make all the things i have wanted most to do or experience happen. What's more, I'm going to do it without getting a job, I'll be earning money by anything i can make with my hands, use of my voice, and my imagination.(more about what that exactly means later)
I know this could sound like some crazy reality show type of challenge but i really believe that, what i want most in life isn't so much about the admission price to obtain or experience it but more about earning it with work that you love doing.
The other major reason is time, time to have my family around me, so we can experience it together. I guess that my children being able to see their parents strive to be happy by making it a priority in life, is one of the greatest gifts i can give them and you just can't do that when you have a job.
So that's where i have started, basically I've got this checklist and I'm going to keep on ticking them off until I can't. I hope you drop in, leave a comment or just have a giggle at the craziness, I'm bound to get my family into. Until Then. Laz

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